Textbook services is located in the lower level of The Station (map).
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Textbook Services oversees Northwest's textbook rental program, 哪个学校以出租的方式向学生提供大部分本科课程的初级课程教材. 每个学期,学生的课本租金按学时计算.
学生在每学期开始时到教科书服务处领取教科书,并必须在下午5点前归还教科书.m. on the last day of final exams.
Late fees are charged when textbooks are returned late. 期末考试的最后一天,如果学生没有归还课本,每天要交10美元的费用,如果学生没有归还课本,每天要交50美元. After five days, 学生需缴纳50美元的滞纳金,外加未归还课本的价格.
新生和转学生可以选择退出教科书租赁计划,如果他们愿意的话. 希望退出教科书租赁计划的学生必须填写教科书租赁计划退出表格,并在以下截止日期之前将其交回学生账户服务办公室:
选择退出教科书租赁计划的学生不能选择返回,并负责自费购买教科书. Students are expected to have required textbooks for the start of each class. The Textbook Rental Program Opt-Out form can be accessed online and is available at Textbook Services.
Hours for picking up textbooks are posted before each semester. 所有学生必须在学期开始时在网上核实,然后再拿起课本.
Students should bring their Bearcat Card with them to pick up textbooks. 学生可以让人领取课本,只要他们核实并提供他们的919号.
If textbooks are picked up after the designated times, a late fee is assessed to the student's University account. See the miscellaneous fee schedule for Late Textbook Pickup fee.
Students may purchase discontinued textbooks at a reduced rate. 学生如欲购买教科书,可致电660与教科书服务部联络.562.1150.
Textbook Services
The Station
800 University Dr.
Maryville, MO 64468
Phone: 660.562.1150
全国网赌正规平台的学生要按学时支付大部分初级教科书的使用费, and Textbook Services is available for online students. 西北在线学生可通过“教材服务”联系订购大部分本科课程的初级教材 nwtxbk@scrapcetera.com. 包括你的西北919号,你注册的课程号码和送货地址.
Online students must pay for shipping charges on borrowed materials. All textbooks, CDs and other course materials borrowed must be returned to Textbook Services, 800 University Dr.在最后一次安排的期末考试后的一周内. 逾期不还的教科书每天收取10美元的滞纳金,最高可达50美元, plus the price of the textbook, CD or course material not returned.
Visit Northwest Online: Online Professional for information about Textbooks and Materials.
All textbooks for 600-level courses must be purchased elsewhere. 所有100-500级的课程教材,如果有书,可以通过教科书服务租用. See the miscellaneous fee schedule for the current graduate student textbook rental rate.
Please email nwtxbk@scrapcetera.com with questions related to textbook pickup or return.
不能归还全国网赌正规平台玛丽维尔分校或格莱斯顿分校教科书的学生应该归还 使用大学提供的预付UPS退货标签来运送他们的书籍. Students who use their own shipping label will not be reimbursed.
Any textbooks returned after April 26 will be assessed late fees up to $50. 未退还的教科书的更换费用也将由学生支付. Ship to:
Textbook Services
Northwest Missouri State University
800 University Drive
Maryville, MO 64468
If so, 你可以在离开校园之前或者在期末考试周归还春季课本的时候拿起课本.
学生们可以在早上8点到下午5点之间的正常营业时间领取2024年夏季教科书.m. and 5 p.m. 星期一到星期五在位于车站下层的教科书服务处.
Textbooks for online summer courses should be checked out before leaving campus. The books will be available during finals week during the listed hours.
如果教科书需要运送夏季课程,请填写下面的申请表. Be sure to use a current shipping address.
Textbook Shipping Request Form
Online verification opens April 24. You must complete your online verification before picking up your textbooks. 如果您对验证有疑问,请致电660与注册办公室联系.562.1151.
全国网赌正规平台的独特之处在于它为本科生提供初级教科书. Textbook Services, located in The Station, 每学期为本科生预先包装并发放教材. 学生支付使用费,并负责在期末考试结束前归还课本,以避免滞纳金.
Supplemental materials as well as lab manuals, workbooks, etc., are ordered through the Bearcat Shop. Any other reference material requests should be submitted to the B.D. Owens Library.
Textbook Services
The Station
Northwest Missouri State University
Phone: 660.562.1150
Email: nwtxbk@scrapcetera.com